Today, Friday 21st October, ‘Stand Up to Cancer’ will be televised live to raise money for Cancer Research UK – which spends most of its funding on misleading animal-based research. The National Cancer Institute has said it believes we have lost cures for cancer because studies in rodents have been believed [1]. The Editor in Chief of The British Medical Journal, Dr Fiona Godlee, reported on the failure of such animal models for human patients in her Editors Choice, June 2014 [2] This article concluded by quoting from the paper it cited:
“If research conducted on animals continues to be unable to reasonably predict what can be expected in humans, the public’s continuing endorsement and funding of preclinical animal research seems misplaced.”
And pharmaceutical companies acknowledge the failure of animal-based research in their drug development process, and write about this openly and often in the scientific literature. And if that wasn’t enough, leading oncologist, voted one of America’s Top Doctors, Dr Azra Raza – currently advising the Vice-Presidents ‘Cancer Moonshot’ project – made the now widely acknowledged, absolute failure of mice models of cancer the focus of her TED-X talk, below:
Yet still the vested interests at Cancer Research UK – who make billions every year from falsely claiming veterinary principle will cure human disease – continue to ignore human misery, raising false hopes for patients in the face of a steep rise in cancer cases, which is producing a knock on economic burden.
Thankfully, 128 members of the UK Parliament – and climbing – have signed 4 Parliamentary Early Day Motions calling for evidence of the failure of animal-based research to be heard in a peer reviewed science process, by independent experts who will judge a properly moderated public scientific debate hearing. The conditions for this hearing have been endorsed as “well set out and fair” by Britain’s foremost human rights defence barrister, Michael Mansfield QC. Please take action! Ask your MP to join those signing the current Parliamentary EDM 400 at this link.
And before you leave this page, please listen to the radio interview – below – with the president of our medical Board, Dr Ray Greek, as he responds to the false scientific claims of primate modeller Prof. Roger Lemon. In 2003, Dr Greek secured a precedent ruling on ‘national interest, medical and scientific grounds’, defeating plans by Cambridge University to build a new non-human primate laboratory. Cambridge wanted to build their new primate lab on Green Belt land, but against Dr Greek’s medical expertise they failed to prove that their primate experiments were going to be ‘medically and scientifically in the national interest’. This laboratory was not built.
Please donate to valid human-based cancer research, with a track record of success
If you want to donate to valid medical research, with a track record of success for human patients, please visit Cancer Research Wales, which avoids misleading animal models entirely, and funds only effective human-based cancer research. Please donate to this great charity at this link.
1. Gura T: Cancer Models: Systems for identifying new drugs are often faulty. Science. 1997, 278 (5340): 1041-1042. 10.1126/science.278.5340.1041.
2. BMJ 2014; 348: g 3719