More false science perpetuated by registered charities, tragically confined by the Government’s Charites Commission in order to limit campaigning to the false 3Rs.

FRAME is one such charity – ‘Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Research’  – and the director of the FRAME laboratory is Dr Andrew Bennett, an active animal experimenter who conducts painful invasive experiments on rats,  falsely claiming they are predictive models of human patients.

Flying in the face of current medical knowledge – that animals are now proven to have never held predictive value for human patients – FRAME spouts the usual 3Rs nonsense, calling for something that has never existed in the first place to be ‘replaced with an alternative’, excerpt below:

‘While EU law says that alternative methods should be used if they are available, there are many areas where no effective non-animal methods exist. The latest Directive says EU member states should support alternatives, but there is no specific legal requirement to create them. FRAME is helping to find them.’

Our position at PCFC is clear: animal models are killing human patients. Abandoning this level of catastrophe is never dependent upon anything else being available.

MEP Eleonora Evi recently invited the president of our medical Board, Dr Ray Greek, to address a Conference at the EU Parliament.  Filmed below, Dr Greek  outlines the thorough medical debate hearing  which needs to happen. Judged by independent experts, this hearing will enable decision makers to refuse advice from the vested interests (including the 3Rs), which is currently creating an unprecedented rise in often fatal illnesses, with the subsequent knock-on-effect of national economic burdens.

Dr Andre Menache, below, also addressed the same EU Conference, highlighting the misleading 3Rs, and concluding that animal experimentation for human patients is “the biggest health scandal of modern times – and the biggest scientific fraud of modern times”.


131 MPs have now signed four Parliamentary Early Day Motions (EDMs), calling for the thorough science debate hearing, outlined by Drs Greek and Menache above. Please ask your MP to sign the current EDM 400! Simply type in your post code at this link to write to your MP today.

This post marks the launch of our focus on the extremely damaging consequences of buying into the false concept of ‘One Medicine’ – for animals and humans alike. The president of our medical Board, Dr Ray Greek, has published an excellent blog, titled ‘Many Species, Many Responses to Drugs and Diseases’ which addresses the Humanimal Trust’s recent appeal for funding of the entirely misleading ‘One Medicine’, and we urge you to please read Dr Greek’s excellent blog as this short post does not do it justice.

Many will be shocked to learn that the concept of ‘One Medicine’ is being presented to Parliament’s Science and Technology Committee, for funding, by TV ‘Supervet’ Noel Fitzpatrick who founded ‘The Humanimal Trust’. Mr Fitzpatrick’s appeal to the Committee suggests that by using veterinary patients – such as dogs and cats – as claimed predictive models of human patients, this will ‘reduce’ the numbers of purpose bred laboratory animals. This is a very good example of the false scientific principles of animal modelling being supported by the 3Rs – Reduction, Refinement and Replacement – an initiative introduced in 1959 to develop ‘humane experimental technique’ on animals.

Make no mistake: whether the animal is a an outpatient at a veterinary clinic or a prisoner in an animal laboratory, neither animal will be able to predict the responses of human patients. This medical fact is openly acknowledge by the wider scientific community – outside the vested interests – including the British Medical Journal,   The Medical Research Council and the National Institutes of Health, whose latest statistic, that animal modelled medicines have a failure rate in excess of 95%, was released on October 8th.

Some of you may be interested to read an article by the science-based campaign For Life On Earth (FLOE) which was commissioned by the campaign ‘Oppose B&K Universal’ many months ago now, to document Noel Fitzpatrick’s  support of the principles of animal experimentation for human patients; this article can be accessed here.

In closing we again urge our readers to visit our medical Board’s excellent critique, it’s about the ‘Humanimal Trust’, and our short post today does not do that critique justice – here’s the link to Dr Greek’s piece.


We are grateful for an information request by Dr John Pippin to the National Institutes of Health, which has led to an up-to-the-minute official confirmation of the failure rate for new human medicines, after animal tests, as EXCEEDING 95 percent:

“Several thousand diseases affect humans of which only about 500 have any treatment. Thanks to our growing understanding of human biology, along with the increased availability of innovative technologies, there is an unprecedented opportunity to translate scientific discoveries more efficiently into new, more effective and safer health interventions. Currently, a novel intervention can take about 14 years and $2 billion to develop, with a failure rate exceeding 95 percent.”

For the full article please visit this link.

It is entirely unacceptable that an outdated 70 year old law continues to require animal testing for new human medicines – including the use of Beagle dogs – which is a now proven human medical disaster. We would be extremely grateful if campaigns including ‘Cruelty Free International’ and ‘Run Free’ could please STOP calling valid human-based medical research an ‘alternative method’ for something that clearly fails the human rights of patients, not just animals. Animal testing does not work. Human-based medical research has a track record of success. These are not alternatives for each other, they are opposites. Campaigning for ‘cruelty free methods that work better’ and are ‘more dependable’ is a scientific lie which has to be taken seriously, for the sake of everyone affected. We hope that related campaigns can begin to honour medical truth: if the NIH can, surely the world can also follow suit!


We are delighted that the president of our medical Board, Dr Ray Greek, was invited by Talk Radio Europe (TRE) to counter criticism by primate experimenter Prof. Roger Lemon, during his interview with TRE on 15th September. During that interview, Prof. Lemon criticised Drs Greek, Jane Goodall and Sir David Attenborough for taking a stand against primate experiments.

Listen to the interview:

Dr Greek’s opposes primate experiments solely on human medical and scientific grounds. His role as chief science witness for the Cambridge Inquiry secured a precedent ruling – on ‘national interest, medical and scientific grounds’ – defeating plans by Cambridge University to build a new non-human primate laboratory, in 2002. Cambridge wanted to build their new primate lab on Green Belt land, and therefore had to prove that their experiments were going to be ‘in the national interest’. Cambridge failed to do this, and Dr Greek’s medical Board proved that such primate experiments were in fact now proven to cause harm and fatalities to human patients. That primate laboratory was not built.

This month’s radio interview with Dr Greek marks another turning point in this discussion, as it shines a clear spotlight on the proven continued disgrace of animal modellers, who persist in using outdated 19th century science which hinders the progress of medical knowledge about human illness, and delays the arrival of effective treatments and cures. The Editor in Chief of the British Medical Journal reported on this in her Editor’s Choice, June 2014. Indeed the wider scientific community – outside the vested interests of animal modellers – agree that animal testing holds no predictive value for humans. Please order the excellent new leaflets on this very subject – you can order at this link!


122 MPs have – to date – signed 4 Parliamentary Early Day Motions, calling for a properly moderated public science hearing on the false claims that animal models can ‘predict the responses of human patients’. This is the start of a ground breaking action that will hear scientific evidence to move medical research out of the 19th century. Please ask your MP to join his/her colleagues and sign the current EDM 400; simply type in your postcode and send your MP a letter today.