As founder of PCFC, and a patient with multiple sclerosis, I am affected by the results of experiments on animal models every day, and there is no relief. Animals are now proven to be the reason medical research is getting nowhere fast. When this evidence was heard in 2002, at a planning inquiry to decide whether Cambridge University should be allowed to build a new primate lab on Green Belt land, our medical experts defeated that laboratory with a precedent ruling on ‘national interest medical and scientific grounds’. Please visit this link to read more about that landmark decision.
The new action page for #EDM373 explains this medical understanding and offers a new letter for you to send your MP, to help him/her understand why this is so important.
The famous actors Peter Egan and Lesley Nicol – stars of Downton Abbey and much more! – are helping call for the EDM’s scientific debate hearing. Please click this link and send your letter today, it simply asks your MP to support a fair public scientific debate and no one can argue with that!