We are delighted that the president of our medical Board, Dr Ray Greek, was invited by Talk Radio Europe (TRE) to counter criticism by primate experimenter Prof. Roger Lemon, during his interview with TRE on 15th September. During that interview, Prof. Lemon criticised Drs Greek, Jane Goodall and Sir David Attenborough for taking a stand against primate experiments.
Listen to the interview:
Dr Greek’s opposes primate experiments solely on human medical and scientific grounds. His role as chief science witness for the Cambridge Inquiry secured a precedent ruling – on ‘national interest, medical and scientific grounds’ – defeating plans by Cambridge University to build a new non-human primate laboratory, in 2002. Cambridge wanted to build their new primate lab on Green Belt land, and therefore had to prove that their experiments were going to be ‘in the national interest’. Cambridge failed to do this, and Dr Greek’s medical Board proved that such primate experiments were in fact now proven to cause harm and fatalities to human patients. That primate laboratory was not built.
This month’s radio interview with Dr Greek marks another turning point in this discussion, as it shines a clear spotlight on the proven continued disgrace of animal modellers, who persist in using outdated 19th century science which hinders the progress of medical knowledge about human illness, and delays the arrival of effective treatments and cures. The Editor in Chief of the British Medical Journal reported on this in her Editor’s Choice, June 2014. Indeed the wider scientific community – outside the vested interests of animal modellers – agree that animal testing holds no predictive value for humans. Please order the excellent new leaflets on this very subject – you can order at this link!
122 MPs have – to date – signed 4 Parliamentary Early Day Motions, calling for a properly moderated public science hearing on the false claims that animal models can ‘predict the responses of human patients’. This is the start of a ground breaking action that will hear scientific evidence to move medical research out of the 19th century. Please ask your MP to join his/her colleagues and sign the current EDM 400; simply type in your postcode and send your MP a letter today.