Our senior doctor Ray Greek has written an article with finance professor, Lisa Kramer, on how COVID 19 – with its very different effects on different species – represents the perfect illustration of why using animals, to try and predict in advance what will happen to humans, is nothing short of a medical catastrophe for patients.
Read the full article here https://www.k9magazine.com/covid-19-why-medical-research-using-dogs-is-barking-up-the-wrong-tree/
This article has been shared by highly influential twitter users, including Ricky Gervais, Peter Egan, Dr. Lisa Cameron MP, Dr. Daniel Allen and many more.
On #WorldHealthDay we’re thanking our incredible @NHSuk for all they are doing – and @rickygervais and @PeterEgan6 for helping stop the failed practice of trying to model humans, using experiments on dogs & other animals. @bmj_latest @RichardDawkins @fgodlee @rdfrs @ProfBrianCox https://t.co/QeK3MufTeF
— Patients for Cures (@ScienceForCures) April 7, 2020