We’re supporting MPs who are signing Parliamentary EDM 22, calling for the continued funding of animal experiments – claimed as able to ‘predict’ the responses of human patients – to be held to public scientific account in properly moderated, medical debates with the leading scientific Board in its field, Americans and Europeans for Medical Advancement, which provides… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Holding the Funding of Animal Experiments to Public Scientific Account
Supporting evidence from a wide field of expertise
The Editor in Chief at the British Medical Journal recently highlighted the failure of laboratory animal models in her Editors Choice, June 2014: How predictive and productive is animal research? This article concluded by quoting from the paper it cited: “If research conducted on animals continues to be unable to reasonably predict what can be expected in humans,… Read more »
MPs are Calling for Properly Moderated Public Scientific Debate
MPs are signing Early Day Motions to show their support for the urgent need for properly moderated, public scientific debate about the continued claim that the results of experiments on laboratory animal models are able to find effective new treatments for human patients and thereby save human lives. The conditions for these public scientific debates… Read more »