Welcome to Patients Campaigning for Cures

We work with patients, their families, friends, carers and valued medical professionals who all believe, like us, that medical researchers should have discovered many more treatments and cures by now. We understand why this is not the case and that there is a solution. We support MPs working in particular alongside Britain's foremost human rights defence barrister, Michael Mansfield QC, who has endorsed the conditions for an historic public science hearing - as called for by Parliamentary EDM 278. This hearing will enable crucial evidence to be heard and judged by independent experts from the relevant fields of science. The aim is to revoke a 74-year-old outdated law that still requires animal testing, despite its now proven medical failure in predicting human responses to medicines and disease research.

Public scientific hearing on animal experiments - Early Day Motions - UK Parliament
Parliamentary EDM 175 closed in May with 110 cross-party MPs opposing the failed practice of animal modelling. The EDM has just been re-tabled as EDM 278, calling for a rigorous public scientific hearing about the false claims that animal models can predict the responses of human patients, in sfatey testing and disease research. The EDM calls for a vital and effective medical hearing, judged by indepedent experts from the relevant fields of science.
TAKE ACTION! Simply type in your postcode at the following link to ask your MP to sign the EDM, for a science hearing to end the failed practice of animal experiments: For Life On Earth (eaction.online)

If you are a patient yourself, a relation, friend or carer for someone who is ill, please get in touch! We are developing a loud voice for effective medical research, tailor made by leading scientific experts "for the patient by the patient". ADD YOUR VOICE!

What makes each patient unique?
In a word: genes. Current medical knowledge now understands that each of us has evolved to be a highly complex individual, with a totally unique genetic profile.

Take me to the sophisticated state-of-the-art research which is making headway now and helping patients find effective treatments!
There are many incredibly exciting, valid research methods that are providing scientists with the answers they need in the search for treatments and cures for today's diseases.

Why we do not ask vets to treat us
- The above title represents no more than simple common sense, but it supports the serious fact that the continued use of laboratory animal models of human patients - which still receive the lion's share of research funding - is tantamount to asking our local vets to treat our illnesses, breaking all the guidelines about keeping animal medicines away from children.
Aug2Posted in: General NewsPlease ask your MP to sign Parliament EDM 278, for a science hearing to publicly prove that trying to model humans, using laboratory animals, is like taking your child to the vet: a dangerous act that.. View >>
May9Posted in: General NewsParliament EDM 175 has closed with 110 cross-party MPs calling for its vital public scientific hearing, judged by independent experts from the relevant fields of science. Thank you Ricky Gervais and a.. View >>
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